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  • 輕旅客房(150x200cm)


    Our small yet charming guest rooms feature square layouts and ample natural light. As soon as you step inside, breathtaking views unfold through the windows, allowing travelers to enjoy the town’s scenery and the surrounding mountains at any time…
    Number of Guest : 1~2 Guest
    Bed Type : 150*200cm
  • 閱旅客房(180x200cm)


    Through the large picture windows, you can enjoy distant views of the picturesque mountains and waters. The room features a bright and minimalist design style with either one large bed or two single beds, catering to the needs of different travelers. Various lifestyle items are provided in the room, allowing travelers to savor moments of relaxation and truly experience the essence of travel.
    Number of Guest : 1~2 Guest
    Bed Type : 180*200cm
  • 閱旅客房(兩小床/105x200cm*2床)


    Through the large picture windows, you can enjoy distant views of the picturesque mountains and waters. The room features a bright and minimalist design style with either one large bed or two single beds, catering to the needs of different travelers. Various lifestyle items are provided in the room, allowing travelers to savor moments of relaxation and truly experience the essence of travel.
    Number of Guest : 1~2 Guest
    Bed Type : 105*200cm*2
  • 宅旅客房(150*200cm)


    With a Japanese-style tatami area and soft cushions, we create a leisurely atmosphere and a space for slow and relaxed travel. Staying in the room helps cleanse your inner clutter and noise, providing space for your body and soul to relax.
    Number of Guest : 1~3 Guest
    Bed Type : 150*200cm
  • 集旅套房(150x200cm *2)

    集旅套房(150x200cm *2)

    A choice for group travelers.
    The outdoor area features a balcony and an open communal space, allowing you to enjoy the stunning mountain views up close without being constrained by window frames. Travelers who were once strangers to each other can also share their travel experiences and life stories in this spacious and open environment, fostering a sense of camaraderie and connection.
    Number of Guest : 2-4 Guest
    Bed Type : 150x200cm *2


Price List
房型名稱 人數 坪數 床型 定價
精緻雙人房 2 7 105×200(二小床) / 150×200(一大床) NT$4,700+10%
精緻三人房 3 7-8 105×200(一小床)+150×200(一大床) NT$5,500+10%
精緻四人房 4 8-9 150×200(二大床) NT$6,200+10%
景觀四人房 4 8-9 150×200(二大床) NT$6,500+10%
豪華雙人房 2 8 200×200(一大床) NT$5,500+10%
豪華四人房 4 10 150×200(二大床) NT$7,000+10%

※ 含精緻早餐。
※ 客房內贈送礦泉水、咖啡包、茶包。
※ 每日入住時間為下午三時以後,每日退房時間為中午十一時前。
※ 延遲退房計價標準:若15:00~18:00退房之房客需加收半日房費,18:00之後退房者則收全日房費。

※ 身高115CM以下為幼童免收費。
※ 身高115CM(含)~150CM(含)為兒童,不佔床使用早餐,收取早餐費;佔床則收取加人費。
※ 身高超過151CM以上者為成人,比照加人費用。
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